Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in International Research and Exchange

American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion as core values of our organization and programs. Excellence is the guiding principle of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and AFAvH and is found in the work of researchers and other leaders across the breadth and diversity of our respective nations, cultures, and societies.

Demonstrating these values, we identify, recruit, and support outstanding scientists, scholars, engineers, and other professionals regardless of gender, religion, race, ethnicity, national origin, class, age, disability, gender and sexual identity, and intellectual, academic, and scientific perspective. Furthermore, we are equally committed to reflecting these same values for our employees, board members, and collaborative partners. Through our commitment to excellence, diversity, equity, and inclusion, we endeavor to enrich and enhance the US and other global Humboldt communities.

Commitment to Action: Board Statement supporting the Latinx and Chicanx* Scholars and Ethnic and Racial Equity in International Science, Scholarship, and Professional Practice

Event: Excellence, Identity, and Inclusion: The Experiences of Diverse Scholars in Germany (September 6, 2023)

Event: “Vielfalt und Chancengerechtigkeit in Studium und Wissenschaft” (Diversity in Higher Education), Christian Haenel presentation, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Berlin (September 6, 2023)

Event: Global Perspectives on the Historical Legacies of Racism and Colonialism in Science and Scholarship (April 28, 2022)

Event: What Does Diversity Mean in the Context of International Exchange? (March 20, 2023)

Essay: It’s Time to Enhance the Diversity of the US Humboldt Network—for Science and Society, Andrea Stith (October 6, 2020)