Humboldt Network Liaisons
US Humboldt Network Liaisons (HNLs) are Humboldtian volunteers from all Humboldt fellowship and award programs who are based at public and private research universities, liberal arts colleges, as well as at government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and in the for-profit sector. They are a diverse, interdisciplinary group that plays a vital role in sustaining the connections among the over 6,000 members of the US Humboldt Alumni Network in the United States and ensuring the visibility of the Humboldt Foundation and the strength of the applicant pool of future Humboldtians.
We invite you to serve as an HNL and help us connect to Humboldtians or prospective Humboldtians on your campus or in your field of professional endeavor.
If you would like to help us extend the Humboldt experience to a new generation of scholars, scientists or professionals, please contact us for more information.

Engaging the Network
HNL Ethan Evans shares some of the ways he has engaged with the US Humboldt Alumni Network.
What do HNLs do?
HNLs are a vital part of our outreach efforts across the United States.

HNLs play an important role in spreading the word about AvH programs at their workplaces and beyond.
- Promote AvH programs at their workplace or alma mater
- Serve as a resource/mentor for future Humboldtians

There are a variety of ways that HNLs can bring people together for social events or to share information about AvH programs.
You can:- Plan engagement events to bring alumni together
- Include an AvH information session or slides at conferences you attend
- Organize Kollegs with AvH funding

As a Humboldtian, you have access to the US and worldwide Humboldt alumni network and there are many different ways you can stay in touch and make new contacts in your region or field.
- Request contact information for US alumni in your region or field
- Get in touch with Humboldtians around the world in your field
- Keep in touch with the AFAvH and AvH
How to apply for an Alumni Council US Engagement Grant
HNLs can apply for funding to host information sessions and alumni gatherings at their workplace or in their region. The video below outlines the simple process.