The Digital Revolution in Health Care: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Need for Policy Innovation


- February 08, 2024
- 6:00 pm - 8:00 am
- Pfizer Inc., 511 W 34th Street, between 10th Ave and Hudson Blvd. East
Co-hosted by the American Council on Germany, Hasso Plattner Institute, and American Friends of AvH
Professor Ariel D. Stern, Alexander von Humboldt Professor for Digital Health, Economics, and Policy at the Hasso Plattner Institute, discussed how the development and adoption of healthcare technology are shaped by the interaction between healthcare innovators, regulators, and healthcare delivery institutions. Dr. Thomas J. Fuchs, Co-Director of the Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Health at Mount Sinai, Dean of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Health, and Professor of Computational Pathology and Computer Science at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, moderated the event.