About American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation was established in 1999 as the US nonprofit professional partner of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH), based in Germany, and the over 6,000 members of US Humboldt alumni network. We are part of a worldwide network of 30,000 alumni of the AvH, including 61 Nobel Laureates and two former US secretaries of energy.

Hero image of Washington DC view

Our Partners

  • Logo of the National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA).
  • Logo of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS).
    AAPS, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
  • Logo of the Association for Women in Science (AWIS).
    AWIS, association for woman in science
  • Logo of Fraunhofer USA, highlighting its research and development work.
    Fraunhofer, USA
  • Logo of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
    Advancing science, serving society
  • Logo of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM).
    American society for microbiology
  • Logo of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), a major research funding organization in Germany.
    Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
  • Logo of the German Center for Research and Innovation, New York.
    German Center for Research and Innovation New York
  • Logo of the American Chemical Society (ACS).
    ACS Chemistry for life
  • Logo of the American Council on Germany (ACG).
    American Council on Germany
  • Logo of the American Physical Society (APS).
    APS Advancing Physics
  • Logo of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH).
    Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
  • Logo of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
    German Academic Exchange Service
  • Logo of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
    Federal Ministry of Education and Research
  • Logo of the German Academic International Network (GAIN).
    German Academic International Network
  • Logo of the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, San Francisco.
    Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany San Francisco
  • Logo of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Washington.
    Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Washington
  • Logo of the German Historical Institute, Washington.
    German Historical Institute Washington
  • Logo of the Goethe Institut abbreviated as
    Goethe Institut
  • Logo of the HUA initiative, representing academic and research efforts.
    Heidelberg University Association
  • Logo of the Heinrich Boell Stiftung (HBS).
    Heinrich Boll Stiftung Washington, DC
  • Vertical blue logo of Johns Hopkins University, emphasizing academic collaboration.
    Johns Hopkins University
  • Logo of Global Indiana University.
    Global Indiana University
  • Logo of Research in Germany (RiG).
    Research in Germany Land of Ideas
  • Logo of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN).
    Society for Neuroscience
  • Logo of the UAS7, representing a German-American research network.
    UAS7 German Universities of Applied Sciences
  • Logo of the UOC initiative, representing academic collaboration.
    University of Cologne

Our mission

To become a leading source in the United States for the promotion of national and international networking, exchange, and creative collaboration among scientists, scholars, artists, and other professionals, consistent with the goals of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany.

Inspirational image representing the mission of the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

Our values

To mobilize the intellectual curiosity, creativity, experience, and passion of Humboldtians to shape research, higher education, and professional development in the United States and beyond.

Photo of boardmember Jeff Peck and other event attendees.

Our vision

We believe in investment in the individual, and in an international community of intellectual inquiry. Humboldtians are at the center of our vision and are vital partners in our mission. As acknowledged leaders in their fields who share a lifelong commitment to collaboration and cultural exploration, Humboldtians are uniquely qualified to serve as special ambassadors of German intellectual life in the United States and as proponents and models of internationalization in the US research enterprise.

Photo of professionals walking and holding AvH items.
  • Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AFAvH) is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion as core values of our organization and programs. Excellence is the guiding principle of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and AFAvH and is found in the work of researchers and other leaders across the breadth and diversity of our respective nations, cultures, and societies.

    Demonstrating these values, we identify, recruit, and support outstanding scientists, scholars, engineers, and other professionals regardless of gender, religion, race, ethnicity, national origin, class, age, disability, gender and sexual identity, and intellectual, academic, and scientific perspective. Furthermore, we are equally committed to reflecting these same values for our employees, board members, and collaborative partners. Through our commitment to excellence, diversity, equity, and inclusion, we endeavor to enrich and enhance the US and other global Humboldt communities. This is a living document that will continue to be updated and improved in response to community input.

    Commitment to Action 2021–2023

    See more
  • Commitment to Action

    Board Statement supporting Latinx and Chicanx* Scholars and Ethnic and Racial Equity in International Science, Scholarship, and Professional Practice

    We take this moment to reaffirm our commitment to the values and goals expressed in our Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. We also recognize that a statement without a commitment to act is sorely inadequate to the times and continuing social challenges. We therefore commit to bring about critical and long-overdue change through thoughtful introspection and sustained, purposeful action.

    As an organization, our guiding principle has always been excellence in science, scholarship, and professional practice in support of transatlantic exchange and learning. The contributions of Americans of Latinx and Chicanx descent to science, scholarship, art, literature, music, and culture has been profound; and their struggle to gain access to, advance in, and lead within the Academy and other professions is not due to a lack of distinguished achievement, creativity, and talent, in short—excellence.

    American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation will engage Humboldtians and other experts to identify the actions we must take to encourage and support Latinx and Chicanx researchers and scholars to apply to the Humboldt Foundation’s international exchange and mobility programs, and to achieve our goal to be a more inclusive, equitable, and diverse organization and network. Future efforts will continue to examine the perspectives, and barriers to inclusion and participation, for members of diverse races, ethnicities, identities, and beliefs. The following actions represent important steps to be made by AFAvH:

    • We will identify and reach out to talented Latinx and Chicanx scholars, scientists, and professionals and encourage them to see a future as a member of our worldwide network of excellence.
    • Our Leadership Series of essays on critical issues for international science and higher education will present perspectives of racially and ethnically diverse Humboldtians and guest commentators on racism in science and scholarship and what must change.
    • In 2024, our Humboldt Dialogue Series will explore the historical legacy of racism against Latinxs and Chicanxs in the scientific enterprise and higher education. This series will seek actions that Humboldtians, as individuals and as a collective, can take to encourage and advance change in their respective institutions, scholarly fields, and communities.

    We continue to strive for our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to serve as a roadmap for sustained action and accountability in all aspects of our governance, operations, and programs. We stand with all those who embrace and work toward a future of equity, justice, and equal access to opportunity in science, scholarship, and society. And we welcome the input and assistance of the Humboldt community.

    * While we recognize that the terms Latinx and Chicanx are not fully embraced by all, for the purposes of this written statement, we utilize these gender-neutral terms for conciseness and aspire to be inclusive of all Chicanos and Chicanas, and Latinos and Latinas, and indigenous communities from Latin America.

    See more
Photo of AFAvH board member Hugo Sanabria.
Profile of Prof. Marc Silberman.
Profile of AFAvH scholar Hannah Shafaat.
Professional photo of NASA's Sanghamitra Dutta.

Our people

The Board of Directors is the governing body of American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. The Board determines and advances the organization’s mission, and is responsible for strategic direction, oversight, and evaluation of the organization.

The Board of Directors comprises recipients of Humboldt Foundation grants and awards and other distinguished individuals from diverse backgrounds who share the goals of American Friends of AvH.

Photo of AFAvH staff and board in Germany at an annual board meeting.
Board of Directors
Alumni Council
Humboldt Network Liaisons
Last NameFirst NameTitlePublic EmailPosition DescriptionDepartmentCurrent University / OrganizationField of ResearchStateCountry
AdvinculaRigoberto Prof.radvincu[ at ]utk.eduUT-ORNL Governor's Chair of Advanced and Nanostructured MaterialsDepartment of Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringUniversity of Tennessee, KnoxvilleTNUSA[email protected]
BalmacedaMargaritaProf.balmacma[ at ]shu.eduProfessor of Diplomacy and International RelationsJohn C. Whitehead School for Diplomacy and International RelationsSeton Hall UniversityPolitical ScienceNJUSA[email protected]
BatheMarkProf.mark.bathe[ at ]mit.eduProfessor of Biological EngineeringDepartment of Biological EngineeringMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyBiophysicsMAUSA[email protected]
BleiholderChristian Prof.[email protected]Associate Professor, Chemistry and BiochemistryFlorida State UniversityPhysical chemistryFLUSA[email protected]
BockDarrellProf.dbock[ at ]dts.eduExecutive Director of Cultural Engagement and Senior Research Professor of New Testament StudiesNew Testament DepartmentDallas Theological SeminaryTheologyTXUSA[email protected]
BoltalinaOlgaDr.olga.boltalina[ at ]colostate.eduSenior Research Associate and Co-Principal InvestigatorDepartment of ChemistryColorado State UniversityInorganic ChemistryCOUSA[email protected]
BoscoboinikJ. AnibalDr.jboscoboinik[ at ]bnl.govStaff ScientistCenter for Functional NanomaterialsBrookhaven National LaboratoryChemistryNYUSA[email protected]
BreithauptFritzProf.fbreitha[ at ]indiana.eduProvost ProfessorDepartments of Germanic Studies, Comparative Literature, Cognitive ScienceIndiana UniversityGerman Language and LiteratureINUSA[email protected]
BurmeisterMargitProf.margit[ at ]umich.eduResearch Professor, MBNI; Associate Chair and Professor, Computational Medicine & BioinformaticsMolecular & Behavioral Neuroscience InstituteUniversity of MichiganGeneticsMIUSA[email protected]
BursonKristenProf.kburson[ at ]hamilton.eduAssistant Professor of PhysicsPhysics DepartmentHamilton CollegePhysicsNYUSA[email protected]
BykovaMarinaProf.mfbykova[ at ]ncsu.eduProfessor of PhilosophyDepartment of Philosophy and Religious StudiesNorth Carolina State University at RaleighPhilosophyNCUSA[email protected]
CarilliChristopherDr.ccarilli[ at ]nrao.eduChief ScientistNational Radio Astronomy ObservatoryAstronomyNMUSA[email protected]
ChamberlinRalphProf.ralph.chamberlin[ at ]asu.eduProfessor of PhysicsDepartment of PhysicsArizona State UniversityCondensed Matter Physics and Thermal PhysicsAZUSA[email protected]
ChavezLukas Prof.[email protected]Associate Professor Cancer Genome and Epigenetics ProgramUniversity of California, San DiegoTheoretical biologyCAUSA[email protected]
CobbMelanieProf.melanie.cobb[ at ]utsouthwestern.eduJane and Bill Browning Jr. Chair in Medical ScienceDepartment of PharmacologyUniversity of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at DallasBiochemistryTXUSA[email protected]
Colberg-PoleyAnamaris MarthaProf.acolberg-poley[ at ]childrensnational.orgProfessor of Integrative Systems Biology, Pediatrics, Biochemistry & Molecular Medicine, Microbiology, Immunology & Tropical MedicineGW School of Medicine and Health Sciences; Center for Genetic Medicine Research, Children's National Health SystemThe George Washington UniversityMedical MicrobiologyDCUSA[email protected]
CritesJoshuaMr.jcrites007[ at ]gmail.comDirector of Strategic InitiativesBrawner & CompanyGeographyWAUSA[email protected]
Davidson-SchmichLouiseProf.davidson[ at ]miami.eduProfessor of Political ScienceDepartment of Political ScienceUniversity of MiamiPolitical ScienceFLUSA[email protected]
DuinEduardusProf.duinedu[ at ]auburn.eduAssociate Professor of Chemistry and BiochemistryDepartment of Chemistry and BiochemistryAuburn UniversityBiochemistryALUSA[email protected]
DuttaApurbaProf.adutta[ at ]ku.eduAssociate Professor of Medicinal ChemistryDepartment of Medicinal ChemistryUniversity of KansasMedicinal ChemistryKSUSA[email protected]
ElgalaHany Prof.[email protected]Associate Professorollege of Nanotechnology, Science, and Engineering;
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
State University of New York at AlbanyCommunication and High-Frequency Technology, Theoretical Electrical EngineeringNYUSA[email protected]
EvansEthanDr.ethan.evans[ at ]csus.eduAssociate ProfessorDivision of Social WorkCalifornia State University, SacramentoSociologyCAUSA[email protected]
FanXin Prof.[email protected]Associate ProfessorDepartment of Physics and AstronomyUniversity of DenverExperimental Condensed Matter PhysicsCOUSA[email protected]
FioreThomasProf.tmfiore[ at ]umich.eduAssociate Professor of Mathematics and Undergraduate Program AdvisorDepartment of Mathematics and StatisticsUniversity of Michigan-DearbornPure MathematicsMIUSA[email protected]
FloccoCeciliaDr.[email protected]Scientific Coordinator-Integrative Biodiversity ResearchLeibniz Institute DSMZ, BraunschweigBiotechnologyGermany[email protected]
FornerSeanProf.saforner[ at ]msu.eduAssociate Professor and Core Faculty, Center for European, Russian, and Eurasian StudiesDepartment of HistoryMichigan State UniversityHistoryMIUSA[email protected]
GarrisonElizaProf.egarriso[ at ]middlebury.eduAssociate Professor of History of Art and Architecture
Department of History of Art and Architecture
Wake Forest UniversityArt StudiesVTUSA[email protected]
GersonDaniela Ms. [email protected]Assistant Professor of JournalismCalifornia State University, NorthridgeJournalismCAUSA[email protected]
GilbertHunter B. Prof.[email protected]Wooley Professorship in Engineering MechanicsDepartment of Mechanical & Industrial EngineeringLouisiana State UniversityAutomation Technology, Control Systems and Robotics, MechatronicsLAUSA[email protected]
GoldwynAdamProf.[email protected]Professor of EnglishDepartment of EnglishNorth Dakota State UniversityClassical PhilologyNDUSA[email protected]
GraurDanProf.dgraur[ at ]uh.eduJohn and Rebecca Moores ProfessorDepartment of Biology and BiochemistryUniversity of HoustonBiologyTXUSA[email protected]
HagenJoshuaDeanjoshua.hagen[ at ]northern.eduDeanCollege of Arts and SciencesNorthern State UniversityGeographySDUSA[email protected]
HaskinsAllison Ms. [email protected]Global Partnerships ManagerNC State UniversityPolitical ScienceNCUSA[email protected]
Hare Jr.J. LaurenceProf.lhare[ at ]uark.eduAssociate Professor of German HistoryDepartment of HistoryUniversity of ArkansasHistoryARUSA[email protected]
HarveyStevenDr.steve.harvey[ at ]nrel.govSurface ScientistNational Renewable Energy LaboratoryMaterials Science and MetallurgyCOUSA[email protected]
HaskinsAllison Ms. [email protected]Global Programs CoordinatorNorth Carolina State UniversityPolitical ScienceNCUSA[email protected]
HernandezRigobertoProf.[email protected]Gompf Family Professor Department of Chemistry The Johns Hopkins University Theoretical and computational chemistryMDUSA[email protected]
HongZiruo Dr.[email protected]Optical Display EngineerAppleSolid state physics, solid body physicsCAUSA[email protected]
HorowitzBrianProf.horowitz[ at ]tulane.eduChair of Germanic and Slavic Studies, Professor of Russian and Jewish StudiesDepartment of German and Slavic StudiesTulane UniversitySlavic and Balkan StudiesLAUSA[email protected]
JostJacob Sider Prof.[email protected]Associate Professor of English Department of EnglishDickinson CollegeEnglish and American LiteraturePAUSA[email protected]
KaoEmmelineDr.[email protected]Deployment ManagerUS Department of EnergyMechanical engineeringDCUSA[email protected]
KaplanJonathanProf.[email protected]Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Judaism Department of Middle Eastern StudiesUniversity of Texas at AustinProtestant TheologyTXUSA[email protected]
KaufmannRalph MartinProf.rkaufman[ at ]math.purdue.eduProfessor of MathematicsDepartment of MathematicsPurdue UniversityPure MathematicsINUSA[email protected]
KimDavid Prof.[email protected]Professor Department of European Languages and Transcultural StudiesUniversity of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)Modern German LiteratureCAUSA[email protected]
KirbyEricProf.kirbye[ at ]geo.oregonstate.eduR.S. Yeats Associate Professor of Earthquake Geology and Active TectonicsCollege of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric SciencesOregon State UniversityGeologyORUSA[email protected]
KristalEfrainProf.kristal[ at ]ucla.eduProfessor of Comparative LiteratureDepartment of Comparative LiteratureUniversity of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)Romance Languages and LiteratureCAUSA[email protected]
LempaHeikkiProf.hlempa[ at ]moravian.eduAssociate Professor of HistoryDepartment of HistoryMoravian CollegeHistoryPAUSA[email protected]
LenskiNoelProf.noel.lenski[ at ]yale.eduProfessor of Classics and History; Managing Editor, Journal of Late Antiquity; Associate Director of Graduate Studies in HistoryDepartment of ClassicsYale UniversityHistoryCTUSA[email protected]
LernerPaulProf.plerner[ at ]usc.eduProfessor of HistoryUSC Dornslife, College of Letters, Arts and SciencesUniversity of Southern CaliforniaHistoryCAUSA[email protected]
LiuXiao-Ming Prof.[email protected]Associate Professor of Earth SciencesUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel HillGeochemistry (Inorganic, Organic, Biological)NCUSA[email protected]
LyonJonathan T. Prof.jlyon6[ a ]murraystate.eduAssociate Professor of ChemistryDepartment of ChemistryMurray State UniversityPhysical chemistryKYUSA[email protected]
MathewsJudkins CooperProf.[email protected]Professor of LawPenn State LawGeneral Public Law, Administrative LawPAUSA[email protected]
MiljanicOgnjenProf.[email protected] Professor of LawDepartment of ChemistryUniversity of HoustonOrganic Molecular ChemistryTXUSA[email protected]
Miller-IdrissCynthiaProf.cynthia[ at ]american.eduAssociate Professor of Education and SociologySchool of EducationAmerican UniversitySociologyDCUSA[email protected]
MoedersheimSabineProf.smoedersheim[ at ]wisc.eduAssociate Professor; DirectorDepartment of German; Center for Early Modern StudiesUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonGerman Language and LiteratureWIUSA[email protected]
NanceMichaelProf.[email protected]Associate ProfessorDepartment of PhilosophyUniversity of Maryland Baltimore CollegePractical PhilosophyMDUSA[email protected]
OguntimeinGbekeloluwaProf.[email protected]Professor of PracticeDepartment of Civil EngineeringMorgan State UniversityEngineeringMDUSA[email protected]
OrsulicSandraProf.sandra.orsulic[ at ]cshs.orgDirector of Women's Cancer BiologyWomen's Cancer Research InstituteCedars-Sinai Medical CenterMolecular BiologyCAUSA[email protected]
OstrowskiDanielaProf.danielaostrowski[ a ]atsu.edussistant Professor in the Department of PharmacologyA.T. Still UniversityNeurobiology, pharmacology, biologyMOUSA[email protected]
OttoElizabethProf.eotto[ at ]buffalo.eduAssociate Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art; Humanities Institute Executive DirectorDepartment of Visual StudiesState University of New York at BuffaloArt StudiesNYUSA[email protected]
PartridgeDamani JamesProf.djpartri[ at ]umich.eduAssociate Professor, Anthropology & Afroamerican and African StudiesDepartment of AnthropologyUniversity of MichiganAnthropologyMIUSA[email protected]
Pegelow KaplanThomasProf.[email protected]Louis P. Singer Endowed Chair in Jewish HistoryDepartment of HistoryUniversity of Colorado, BoulderHistoryCOUSA[email protected]
PetersonAmyProf.amy_peterson[ at ]uml.edu Professor of Plastics EngineeringDepartment of Plastics EngineeringUniversity of Massachusetts, Lowell
ChemistryMAUSA[email protected]
PhamJoyce Dr.[email protected]Assistant Professor of ChemistryCalifornia State University, San BernardinoChemical Solid State ResearchCAUSA[email protected]
PinchukAnatoliyProf.apinchuk[ at ]uccs.eduProfessor of Physics and Energy ScienceDepartment of Physics and Energy ScienceUniversity of Colorado at Colorado SpringsPhysicsCOUSA[email protected]
RaykoffIvanProf.raykoffi[ at ]newschool.eduAssociate Professor of MusicDepartment of MusicThe New SchoolMusicologyNYUSA[email protected]
RollerMatthewProf.mroller[ at ]jhu.eduProfessor; Vice Dean for Graduate Education, and Centers and ProgramsDepartment of PhilosophyJohns Hopkins UniversityHistoryMDUSA[email protected]
SanabriaHugoProf.hsanabr[ at ]clemson.eduAssociate Professor of Biophysics; CU School of Health Research Faculty ScholarDepartment of Physics and AstronomyClemson UniversityBiophysicsSCUSA[email protected]
SangoroJoshuaProf.jsangoro[ at ]utk.eduAssistant Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringDepartment of Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringUniversity of Tennessee, KnoxvillePhysicsTNUSA[email protected]
SchellenbergSusannaProf. [email protected]>Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Cognitive ScienceDepartment of PhilosophyRutgers UniversityPhilosophyNJUSA[email protected]>
SchluppIngoProf.schlupp[ at ]ou.eduPresidential Professor of BiologyDepartment of BiologyUniversity of OklahomaEcologyOKUSA[email protected]
SchuemannJanProf.jschuemann[ at ]partners.orgAssistant ProfessorRadiation OncologyMassachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical SchoolRadiologyMAUSA[email protected]
SedgwickSallyProf.sedgwick[ at ]uic.eduLAS Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Affiliated Professor of Germanic StudiesDeparment of Philosophy, Department of Germanic StudiesUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoPhilosophyILUSA[email protected]
SinghTarunrajProf.tsingh[ at ]buffalo.eduProfessor of Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringDepartment of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
State University of New York at BuffaloControl Theory, CyberneticsNYUSA[email protected]
SnurrRandallProf.snurr[ at ]northwestern.eduJohn G. Searle Professor of Chemical and Biological EngineeringChemical and Biological EngineeringNorthwestern UniversityProcess EngineeringILUSA[email protected]
StokesLaurenProf.lauren.stokes[ at ]northwestern.eduAssistant Professor of HistoryDepartment of HistoryNorthwestern UniversityHistoryILUSA[email protected]
SundbergEricProf.[email protected]Professor and ChairProfessor and Chair, Department of BiochemistryEmory University School of MedicineMedicineGAUSA[email protected]
VailMark IanProf.[email protected]Worrell ProfessorDepartment of Politics & International AffairsWake Forest UniversityPolitical ScienceNCUSA[email protected]
VermaasWillem F.J.Prof.wim[ at ]asu.eduFoundation Professor; Associate Director Research and Training InitiativesSchool of Life SciencesArizona State UniversityMicrobiologyAZUSA[email protected]
WestenbergDavidProf.djwesten[ at ]mst.eduCurators Distinguished Teaching Professor and Faculty Athletics RepresentativeDepartment of Biological SciencesMissouri University of Science and TechnologyMicrobiologyMOUSA[email protected]
WhitmireKenton HerbertProf.[email protected]Professor of ChemistryDepartment of ChemistryRice UniversityChemistryTXUSA[email protected]
WobusChristianeProf.cwobus[ at ]umich.eduAssociate Professor of Microbiology and ImmunologyDepartment of Microbiology and ImmunologyUniversity of MichiganMedical MicrobiologyMIUSA[email protected]
WuJianzhongProf.jwu[ at ]engr.ucr.eduProfessor of Chemical and Environmental EngineeringDepartment of Chemical and Environmental EngineeringUniversity of California, RiversidePhysicsCAUSA[email protected]
YoungNellaMs.nyoung[ at ]enterprisecommunity.orgSenior AssociateIsaacson, MillerTown and Country PlanningMAUSA[email protected]
ZangJiadong Prof.[email protected]Professor of PhysicsDepartment of Physics & Astronomy; Materials ScienceUniversity of New HampshireTheoretical Condensed Matter PhysicsNHUSA[email protected]

US Humboldt Alumni Network

Network of researchers collaborating on a project, symbolizing global academic partnerships.

Our network

The over 6,000 members of the US Humboldt Alumni Network are part of a worldwide network of 30,000 Humboldt alumni that spans academic disciplines and professions. The US Humboldtian Network is spread across 497 Colleges and Universities in the United States.

Image of a globe and map of the United States, illustrating U.S. and global exchange.

The Humboldt Alumni Worldwide Network

Over 6,000

Members of the US Humboldt Alumni Network

Image representing the "About Us" network of the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

US Humboldt Alumni Network by Discipline

Graph depicting data trends related to research funding and academic collaboration.

Physical sciences: 61.99%

Humanities/Social Sciences: 22.97%

Engineering: 11.3%

California is home to the largest concentration of US Humboldtians

followed by New York, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania.

  • California
  • New York
  • Massachusetts
  • Pennsylvania

Institutions with over 50 Humboldtians


Institutions with fewer than 50 Humboldtians

Career Opportunities

Stay up-to-date on career opportunites that match your skills and interests.

Our openings
Photo of woman working on techology.

Humboldt Stories

My Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz, Germany (1995–1996) was a transformative experience for both my career and my family. It shaped the course of my professional life and opened doors I hadn’t imagined. From the moment we arrived, my family and I were welcomed into the Humboldt community, which became like a second family to us. Participating in the Humboldt study tour was a highlight, as we explored Germany, including Bonn, and immersed ourselves in its rich culture and history. Along the way, we formed lifelong friendships that not only helped us navigate life in Germany but also remain an integral part of our lives today. During this fellowship, I made the pivotal decision to pursue a career in academia.…

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Rigoberto Advincula

Humboldt Research Fellowship (1995-1996)
University of Tennessee Knoxville

Portrait of Nader Vossoughian, highlighting his academic contributions

My Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship brought me to the faculties of Gestaltung and architecture at the Bauhaus University in Weimar (2014-2015, 2021), as well as to the faculty of architecture at the University of Kassel (2016). It is hard to put into words how meaningful these experiences were for me. On a professional level, the experience allowed me to gain knowledge about the history of modern architecture in Germany that most scholars in field only dream of. I visited key buildings and explored the major archives. I was able to publish numerous essays and am working on many more. I benefitted from the support of the Humboldt Foundation’s wonderful staff and am proud to say that I became fully fluent in German. On a personal level, I was able…

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Professor Nader Vossoughian

Humboldt Research Fellowship (2014-15)
New York Institute of Technology

Portrait of Kelai Diebel, highlighting her academic work.

The impact of being a “BUKA" was already evident within a few months after the fellowship, when I was offered a position as Project Manager at MOSS, Vertical Urban Agriculture was published, and the vertical farm opened in Utrecht, where more than 500 crops are growing above a restaurant. The BUKA year supported and exposed me to opportunities that have helped me practice my passion and turn it into my work!

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Ms. Kelai Diebel

German Chancellor Fellow (2016-2017)
Makers of Sustainable Spaces (MOSS)

Portrait of Kurt Kolasniski, highlighting his academic contributions.

Berlin just after the fall of the Wall was the setting for my postdoctoral studies supported by the Humboldt Foundation. My Humboldt fellowship enabled much more than some of my best scientific research. It also allowed me to establish professional relationships that set a platform for my career. Knowing that you are part of the Humboldt community gives you confidence to strike out into new areas of scientific research and to find where you can make the greatest impact.

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Professor Kurt W. Kolasinski

Humboldt Research Fellowship (1992)
West Chester University

Portrait of Prof. Lisa A. Gabel, showcasing her academic work.

During my 18-month research fellowship I had the privilege of joining a network of extraordinary international scientists, both through my interactions with other Humboldtians and within my host institution. I was provided an opportunity to address questions in the field that I would have not otherwise been able to examine, and to collaborate with Drs. Gunther Moll, Hartmut Heinrich, and Oliver Kratz at the Universitätsklinikum Erlangen. I was extremely honored to meet President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at the AvH Annual Meeting in Berlin. The research fellowship helped to enhance my scholarship, expanded my knowledge and skills for being a global citizen, and created lasting friendships and an enduring professional network.

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Professor Lisa A. Gabel

Humboldt Research Fellowship (2016-2017)
Lafayette College

I first discovered the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in 1978 when I met Hartmut Kern, Professor of Mineralogy at Christian-Albrechts University, Kiel, at a conference in Aachen. Upon his suggestion, I applied for and received a Humboldt Fellowship, starting collaborations with him on rock deformation and anisotropy in the Earth that have continued since. During my time in Germany, I met a number of scientists with whom I worked closely, among them Heiner Mecking and Fred Kocks, another Humboldt Fellow from Los Alamos. These interactions had a great impact on my career, as they led to the development of new experimental techniques and sophisticated methods of modeling and applying results to metals as well as the deep Earth. Fred Kocks and I also co-authored a book, Texture and Anisotropy, in…

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Professor Hans-Rudolf “Rudy” Wenk

Humboldt Research Award (1981-2001)
University of California, Berkeley

Support us

Your donations build on the support that AFAvH receives from the AvH to create and grow programs and services for US alumni so that we may extend the Humboldt experience and network in the United States.

Donate online

Illustration symbolizing support and funding for academic research.
Graphic symbolizing support for the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.